Tuesday, March 22, 2011

weekly inspiration.... catch up!

So it's been a few weeks since I've taken part in the MCP Actions weekly theme.....  What can I say?  I guess I've been busy?

Here's the catch up:
"Express Yourself"
I have always been a doodler.  The margins of my school notes were always covered in squiggles, hearts, and doodles.  I would try so hard to not doodle, but it was like my hand had a mind of its own!  I guess it was just my artistic side coming out....

"Childhood Toys"

I loved Gumby when I was kid!  And at some point in high school, I was given a Gumby doll.  It has been sitting in a drawer forever, but it was the perfect subject for this prompt!
"Darks and Lights"

This photo was taken while on a Jeep trip with SG near Silverwood Lake.  Most of the trees had been hit by a wildfire, so they were burned on one side, and perfectly fine.  It was so interesting and beautiful, and made for the perfect "Darks and Lights" photo.
"From the Jewelry Box"
My Alpha Chi Omega badge and my pearls were a large part of my college experience.  Seeing my badge in my jewelry box is a bittersweet feeling: I miss my Alpha Chi days, but I know that it will always be a part of me.  {Sappy, I know...}

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